Serving Ages 0 to 5 Years Old

The need to improve the teaching of science is evident in all educational levels , high rates of failure are indisputable sign of disinterest in scientific areas. However, the use of technological environments has become an economically viable option to solve this problem . Proper use of digital media has shown in recent research a powerful influence on the development of mental representations of students, as well as in their cognitive processes.
Week of the Young Child
Every April since 1971, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) celebrates the Week of the Young Child. Originally conceived to draw attention to early education and the need to help our youngest learners to develop, parents can help their children's daycare or preschool and make some at-home art to bring to school for the festivities.

Children love to experiment, they have fun, learning and questions about the world around them are made. Among its many benefits, scientific exploration, feeds the child's natural curiosity , encourages their interest in science , stimulates reasoning and logic , improve their ability to solve problems , increase self-esteem and prepare them to understand more complicated scientific concepts in the future.

Plants are the base of the food pyramid for all living beings. Long life of ancient people depended on them. Of plants we get food, medicines, fibers, dyes and utensils.
Primitive people recognize plants by their smell and taste, now can observe, describe and classify; the science that is dedicated to botany. It is studied classification and this gives them a name. This is because there is no living being exactly alike, but there are many similarities.
With these data we can group the different forms of life that are interrelated and this group is called species.
The species is the basic unit used in the classification of living forms and is made by the bodies that closely resemble each other.
If we group the similar species obtain gender and family to which they belong; similar genera are larger groups called orders, which together form the classes.

Like many of the activities listed here, you can draw anywhere. But seeing the light shine through the drawing as you work makes it extra interesting. And we all know how changing up locations and methods can inspire renewed creativity, right? In the photo above, I simply taped a piece of easel paper to the light table (you could use any relatively thin paper) and placed the box of markers beside it.
If you use a thinner paper (such as the easel paper pictured here) and watercolors, you can see the light shining through the paint as you work. So pretty!
Gather leaves, flowers, and other nature items to observe on the light table. You can really see the structure of the leaves better when held to the light like this. You can also extend this activity by doing leaf rubbings on the light table… Or try feathers, translucent sea shells, crystals, butterfly or moth wings (if found already dead, of course), etc.
This is one of our favorite simple science experiments and the effect is even more magical on the light table!
As with the milk experiment, this melting ice science experiment is at least twice as wonderful with the light shining through as you work.
This is such a simple activity, yet always a hit with the kids! Mix vinegar with food coloring or liquid watercolors, then use a dropper to transfer to the baking soda. We put our baking soda in a transparent dish this time—a plastic egg serving tray from the dollar store—to enjoy the experiment on the light table.

Reading is an activity that benefits all ages, but in childhood, age at which they are forming many aspects of your life, reading gives them a basis for life that will help them face many situations in your life adult .
In the following lines we attempt to analyze the multiple benefits that reading brings them to our children, and also see the best way to instill a passion for reading. And before you start already proposed that the virtues of reading are not only intellectually, but also act in the social field .
Children are discovering reading words and forms of expression that are slowly internalizing. For many words they will need our help, but they will gradually ease and gaining notice as expressed better.
Improved expression:
As we saw earlier, the more vocabulary learn best be expressed, improving reading comprehension: Many future roadmap academic problems come from poor understanding reader or poorly developed. A child develops reading comprehension and is able to understand without problems reading texts.
Decreased concentration problems: Read supposed to care that gradually makes children caught discipline and improve their ability to concentrate. This is something important for their studies in future years.
Personality development: Believe it or not , meet the thousands of books contain characters that makes the child learn to interact and form your personality. Read the child will better relate socially.

Washing your hands properly is your first line of defense against the spread of many diseases - not only the common cold. The most serious diseases such as meningitis, bronchiolitis, influenza, hepatitis A, and most types of infectious diarrhea can be avoided by the simple act of washing hands.
Hands are the main transmitter method of pathogens in blood and air. Blood pathogens are viruses such as HIV and hepatitis B infecting other body fluids entering. Wounds or abrasions have easy access for the virus to enter the bloodstream. People also constrict these pathogens indirectly when dried blood touches the eyes, mouth or nose. The airborne pathogens are ill individuals sneezed into the air.
Viruses land on everyday items such as doorknobs and keyboards and they live long enough to infect others.

Playing outdoors is as important as sleep. It is one of the main activities for the child to develop physically and socially. However, it is one of the most dynamic have been lost today.
About half of the boys preschoolers do not spend time playing outdoors with one of their parents during the day, even though that type of game has many benefits for younger children, including combat childhood obesity, reveals a survey conducted in the United States.
In interviews with parents of nearly 9,000 children, less than half of moms and only a quarter of parents she reported taking your child for a walk or play with him in the yard or in the park at least once a day.
The outdoor game is one of the great possibilities to explore and move, basic actions that allow the child to learn the world around him. It is an invitation to know, to move, and to socialize.

Planned and scheduled activities are replacing dramatic play in children's programs. The attitude is to learn, instead of being natural and fun, should be academic . Many child care centers, as KinderCare even have a curriculum for the children's program. According to the International Association for the Education of Children (Association of Childhood Education International, ACEI ) dramatic play is imperative for the child's growth in all areas of knowledge and can not be replaced by an adult instruction . The main areas of child development are benefited by the dramatic play and you can encourage in your home.
Dramatic play encourages the child to communicate their thoughts through the eyes of anyone he chooses. He imitates what he sees in adults in their lives.
Young children learn the basics of social behavior through dramatic play. Pretending to be someone else , they learn how people feel and act . According to the doctor. In philosophy Elena S. Yalow , children learn empathy through theater activities . A child encouraged to play with other children of this activity benefits of interaction among participants. You have the chance to be the boss, the queen mother , son or even the dog . Therefore , the child internalizes the different roles . It can lead , follow or change his mind.

The colors are visual stimuli that can cause different reactions in our bodies and in our mood. Color psychology gives some examples of the effects of colors on children : In the case of depressed children , how favorable is having on the walls of his room applications red or objects color of this color since to perceive increase energy and vitality.
Color therapy experts recommend yellow pastel colors and alternating with other colors is highly recommended because it promotes concentration and intellectual development. In the case of the place of study of children, it is important to note that the cool colors (blue, green or combination), little saturated concentration fix favor because they convey an atmosphere of calm and relaxation.

Bubbles are one of my favorite things to use in play with children, especially those bubbles practically indestructible that can be purchased at toy stores.
they're a great way to break the ice!
Playing with bubbles is not only an easy way to have fun with a new friend, it is also a fun way to work a lot of skills development, such as:
Fine motor skills. Children have the opportunity to hold the thin tubes, coordinating both hands to hold soap bottle and tube with which they make bubbles. They have to hold the object through which blow, in the same way that they would take compressing pencil; They have to open and close the bottle, and use your hands in different ways to blow bubbles (pop them with your index finger, "tighten" catch bubbles with the whole hand, use two hands to clap bubbles).

Is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 193 countries each year.
Learning through direct experience occurs in real life through metaphors, simulations, work-out in the classroom and outdoors where invited to participate inclusive of play.
It is important to note that although some students have preference for certain strategies the practice of all favor the development of different skills that will help their performance and will allow you to increase efficiency in school performance.

When children are young and interested in art you have to let them express their creativity because it is very important for their development. When a child wants to paint with markers, waxes, fingers, when molded with clay ... everything is art for children.
Art is a language that the child will be expressed through different elements and will be creativity and imagination which have a more important role in this process. Art for children is a way of living and has many benefits.
Art is a way of feeling life and sensitized to the world children become, almost without realizing better human beings, because so easy to allow express your inner world in a way that also encourages them to create, learn and innovate.
- What's more art in children enhances their intellectual abilities, but also does it with communication between parents and children at very young ages because through the drawings, pastilina, painting and even dancing too ... parents can learn a little more to their children. Why does this happen? It helps that there is more fun and therefore the bonding will be increased.
- In addition, it is also very important art in young children because it makes them think about themselves, both internally and externally. With the dough or the paintings need to use body parts to capture his art. Children's craft has many meanings, many, as they are children pass through the head.
But what is important in all this, is that parents empower all this art in small, who can realize their joy and charm to the results of the art of their children, whatever, because it will thus give wings to stop fly their creativity and imagination.